by Couchsurfing Friends Club | July 12, 2022 - 18:03:35
We planned our usual weekend trip heading to Duzce, Our destination was supposed to be “Koca Yayla” which is one of the most beautiful mountain plateaus in that region.
however due to some massive rain storm that hit that region. we didn’t realize that our destination would be differ and the route on Google is not showing the right way.
Below is the place we wanted to go to “Koca Yayla”
On our way we found that Jandarma “Military Police” have blocked the main road to the mountain and decided to go check if there’s an alternative route. On our way they told us that you might be able to go there with your offroad car, but due to having another low car they said it’s impossible.
But we decided to proceed and check as we might find another convenient spot for camping on our way. We meet some motorcyclists who advised us not to go and instead they gave us their mountain house keys to stay there for the night.
Continueing our trip we reached to a point where road was totally blocked and government trucks seems to be working on a road to those who got stuck between two different points that none of them lead to where we wanted.
Going down the road, our second car got stuck down.
So we decied to change our route and go to another mountain on the way back to Istanbul! Our choice was introduced by Hisham, The road is supposed to be straight and not difficult as we have already been to this place few times without any struggle but it seems Google kept suggesting irregular type of roads. nevertheless we enjoyed our trip and reached our destination and camped next to this beautiful lake and enjoyed good friends and food.
I will leave you with the photo album below
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