Couchsurfing Friends is a community that is dedicated to people who know the principle of Couch Surfing to a closer dimension.

In Couchsurfing Friends we bring people closer by introducing them to one another and allow everyone a space to share their countries and hosts and tell other CS friends how to do in their traveling to other countries.

You can send your travel experience to us and we’ll publish it to make this site more useful for others who are less experince and did less travelling than you did.

Here is an example page, You can send something like this and we’ll publish it along with your name and picture and provide your email address maybe you can make friends or be someone’s tour guide?

Hi there! I’m a bike messenger by day, aspiring actor by night, I did lots of travelling in Europe using CouchSurfing Friends and you can hire me as your tour guide if not I can still be useful and share my travel experience with you. I live in Los Angeles, have a great dog named Jack, and I like piña coladas. (And gettin’ caught in the rain.)

Gene Lui,,

…or something like this:

I plan to travel to Turkey, Iran, and I would appreciate if anyone would join me in my trip or exchange knowledge about my trip. I have travelled a lot in US and Europe and I would be very happy to share my knowledge with you for exchanging of experiences.

Martin Long,,

If you have any ideas about improving this page or the site please do let me know. contact me at

Thank you

Mohammed Hamada