New Adventure:

Have you ever wished to camp and enjoy watching a film under the light of stars and moon?

it’s very simple all you have to do is join us in our weekend trip as we take you to a beautiful place in the nature where you can enjoy the real taste of camping.


Depending on what you’d like to eat we usually have a mixed meals depending on who is the cook! most of the time we bring chicken, meat or sometimes a spaghetti with tuna for lunch and some snacks for dinner, For breakfast we buy eggs, cheese, humus and other delicious stuff.


In the summer we usually go hiking, swimming, or explore places like canyons, in Winter we do some short hikings and play badmenton, volleyball or football ..

We bring projector along to watch something in the night if the weather is not rainy.


The cost of food and fuel will be divided on the amount of people that will be attending the camping. There are no additional cost. Usually the cost of fuel depends on the distance and now as we go to places which are not far the cost is usually starts from 100 TL to 150 TL per person.


To check for availability please message me or join any of the organized acitivites to confirm you’re going to join.


For Winter camping you will need the following:

1- Good tent.

2- Good thick mattress.

3- Minus -5 to -10 C Sleeping Bag.

4- Good shoes for muddy roads as sometimes we do hiking in some muddy places.

5- Cup, spoon, knife and plastic plate.