Monthly Archives: September 2021

Offroad that went wrong

The Details The trip started with me and my brother going on the Ege sea region of West Turkey. Date was March 2021 and two days right after I recieved the car from the mechanic shop that fixed my engine’s cylinders. I wanted to drive the car to notice if there’s any problem within the […]

Trip to Sakarya – Part 1

Sakarya: Here is a mix of pictures and videos of our trips to Sakarya. We went to mountains, rivers, did hiking and played all kinds of sports. The places and locations in these trips are different and if you are interested in any knowing any of those locations in the pictures please don’t hesitate to […]

Exploring Duzce (Turkey) – Part 3

Camping Weekend So our most recent trip was to still discover Duzce’s beautiful mountains and plateaus, We first came to this amazing mountain that is full of pine trees, hordes of sheep and cows. The place has also a river and we were lucky to have a first sunny warm day.. meanwhile in the night […]
