CouchSurfing Friends

Camping in Duzce mountain and Lake Sep 2023

Our destination

We are going to Duzce this weekend for camping and hiking near one of the beautiful lakes of Turkey , first we will be shopping prior to leaving on Saturday morning . Then we will drive to our destination which is around 3 hours from Istanbul (Asian side). once we arrive there we will setup our location and prepare for some nice trekking and exploration around the place we are staying at. 

Once we have hiked and enjoyed during the day time, we will come back to our camping spot and start cooking dinner where everyone needs to participate and help to make a delicious food. 

Maps Location:

As an additional bonus activity, We will have a boat with us where we can have a go around the lake . although the lake is not really that big and it might have even declined further this time of the year, but we can try our chances and see how it is. 

Meeting Location:

For those living in the European Side, You can meet me in the opposite side of Uzunçayır Metrobus. Exact location is here

For those living in the Asian Side. please dm me on whatsapp your location to organize how we could meet.

Required Gear for Hiking:

1- Shoes that would get wet and not slippery on rocks.

2- Hiking Sticks if possible (Optional). 

Required Gear for Camping:

1- Double layer or 4 season Tent.

2- Sleeping bag 5 C to -15 C.

3- Enough clothes to keep you warm on the mountain. 

4- Good Mat.


There’s no charging for this trip however, we do share the cost of Fuel, Tolls and Food for those who want to be part of the food party. 

both will be divided on the amount of passengers in each veichle going to the camping trip. 


If you’re planning to join please send me whatsapp Message indicating if you have a car or not and if not so I would book a seat for you. 


Please kindly if you’re hesitating to join and not 100% sure you’ll join, I kindly ask you to leave space for others who want to join Meetobecause 

If you have any question please contact me on +905319309663. join our whatsapp group on.

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